Saturday, March 3, 2007
RRR 10-11: Otto's Redux
Mornin friends:) Last night I went back to Otto's Pub with some friends to celebrate one of the Canadian's friends passing their candidacy exams. Even though there was an hour wait for a table, I had no problem with this since it gave me time to get one extra beer in to make up for the lack of beer drunk the day before. Granted, I'm nowhere near the 20-something beers Gus is at (Dude, the freaking 2-a-days are making the rest of us look bad. Sheesh!), but I'm at a number I still feel is respectable given I started a few days later than everyone else. Anywho, the two beers I can add to my list are the Elderberry Stout and the Apricot Wheat. The Apricot wheat has always been a summer favorite of mine, light and fruity and all goodness. I rarely have the Elderberry Stout, though it was actually pretty damn good. I usually don't think of mixing fruit and stout, but it works. There was only the slightest hint of berry, so it didn't overwhelm the rich stout taste. Yummy:) Anyhow, that's the only update I have for now. Oh, and here's a comic strip from XKCD, a new fave of mine that I thought you'd all find amusing. I just posted my favorite of their comic strips on my own blog yesterday if you want to check it out.

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Holy crap, Em. These are hysterical. I was in a mean, blue funk before I clicked the Xkcd link. Now I'm just feeling mean. Which is my normal state.
Smart humor: More effective than 100mg welbutrin.
LOL, ahhh I'm more of a Zoloft girl Glam:) Glad you were amused though. I love these comics!
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