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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Nate's Beer #27

Last night I enjoyed the Chosen Beer.
Seriously, it said so right on the bottle of He'Brew Genesis Ale. Genesis is brewed by Schmaltz Brewing company. This was one of the beers that I picked up on my first visit to Belmont Station.
On their website they describe Genesis as "Crisp, smooth and perfectly balanced between a west coast style pale and amber ale, with a supple malt sweetness and pronounced hop flourish." That's a pretty damn good description.
I didn't really notice the hops too much but I let Dr. Bert try some and that was his first reaction. I will definitely be trying this beer again as well as some other He'Brew ales. I suggest you all do the same. Good stuff.


AlpineTrout said...

I've been saving the He'Brew beers for appropriate Jewish holidays.

Gus said...

awesome. I like hebrews.