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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bowling is hot

Another trip to the bowling alley, another 32 oz beer. This time the giant tap handle of the Rainier caught my eye. And it was just as refreshing as I remember. I was trying to save this bad boy for Rainier days in July, but sometimes the cool tap handles just beg for your money. Now I am trying to enjoy a Henry Weinhard's Organic Amber, but I can't becuase I went through a phase of buying Henry's Amber Light last year, and now just can't get back into the taste. I think I might actually be killing my appreciation for amber. Shit.

And that article that Emily found below is great, check it out if you haven't yet.
And I am taking a new job mid to late April, and going to be making more money for beer, so I got that going for me, which is nice. And I am making plans for Newport next week, which means Rogue Brewery, here I come. I am so stoked.


Anonymous said...

hey I am drinking one now!!

n8 b said...

I like Dead Guy beer!