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Friday, March 9, 2007

Holy shit, beer #39

Yesterday I had another Halo, and then moved on to the couple Bridgeport Blue Heron's that I had chilling in the fridge. And I watched the cougs beat the huskies, which was out-fuckin-standing. The only downer was that I have been so exhausted that I fell asleep at half time to be awakened in the 2nd half by one of my cats spewing puke in the middle of our new carpet. We had no carpet cleaner, but after I cleaned up the chunks and puddles, Abby got the miracle solution from our friend Amy, and a little vinegar and water later, the carpet was saved (I hope). After that, I finished watching the cougs win, but didn't have the stomach or enthusiasum to finish the 2nd Blue Heron. I tried, after a few big swallows, it went down the drain. Fucking cat.


Dicko said...

I think I saw your last two sentences on a porn movie once. "I tried, after a few big swallows, it went down the drain. Fucking cat."

Gus said...

nothing like that one where the girl has him go in a champagne glass, then pretends its lotion for her pretend bug bites (nature porn), then downs the whole glass of "fluid"...

thanks for bringing up that nasty memory Dicko.

Glam said...

Cumimosas? Cincinnati bowties?

Next year perhaps we should commit to 365 salacious acts.