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Monday, March 26, 2007

Home Brew rears its ugly head....

Had a very busy weekend at the Rotary club...oh wait, that was gay Gus. When are you going to start your campaign for mayor of Springfield, I mean Longview?

Its weird that almost every Friday night I find myself at the same bar near work and 4 weeks ago I had drank all the different types of beers they have. Somehow I keep getting new types of beer though. This week Friday I had myself some Pacific IPA and some Pilsner Urquell. Don't know how either of them tasted because I was and am so congested right now I haven't enjoyed the sense of smell or taste for a week. From past experience though, Pilsner Urquell blows...

On Saturday I went to a bday party and drank a lot of home brew. My friends the Carlson brothers made two types of beer. Carlson IPA and Carlson Winter Ale, both I assume tasted pretty good, but like I said, I am more stuffed than a john holmes - mandingo sandwich. On a side note, the home brew came back with a vengence on Sunday.

Finally, last night I drank a Sol at a mexican restaurant and went to bed after an exhausting weekend. Aren't weekends suppose to be for relaxation?


Gus said...

maybe you wouldn't be so tired if you didn't spend so much time on your knees.

Dicko said...

Geez Gus, you really need to work on your insults or get some new material. That was just a sad attempt.