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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blazers win again

I'm not saying they are the best team ever, but they are enjoyable to watch, and with a last minute stand at the Rose Garden last night to win 100-98 and win me a free chalupa coupon, I salute them. I also was happy to enjoy a large Coors and some pizza hut, as well as a Bridgeport Ropewalk Amber Ale in the car before the game and a Elk Rock Velvet Antler by Portland Brewing when I got home to watch the Office on DVR. On the way I also hit up BJ's to refill the growler with some Iverson's IPA, a seasonal brew just about to be replaced in April, so it was nice to grab something that won't be around in a few weeks so I can get it off the list in a few days. Anyone that is interested in sharing this, let me know, cause 1/2 gallon of india pale may be more than my pallate can handle.

And after reading Nate's post, I had a thought:
I like IPAs and ESBs, but they are really an acquired taste. I feel the bitter beers and stouts are kind of like drinking wine in that you really have to ease into it. You can't just surprise a 21 year old with ESB or a dark stout and say, "here, this is beer and I know its not your usual busch lite, but you are supposed to like it because it's expensive, so drink it." You really have to get used to drinking some beers, kind of like scotch, or drinking straight vodka on the rocks.

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