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Friday, March 30, 2007

My head hurts

So splitting a growler of BJ's Seasonal IPA with Nate on a work night means that someone has to drink most of it since Nate has to wake so early. Which means I have a tiny headache right above my right eye. That and the beer I helped Abby finish, and the Firehouse 5 Steam Pumper IPA to keep up with my 2-a-days. Shit, back to work. Headaches suck, plus I keep coughing every once in awhile and hope I am not getting sick right before a busy weekend and a few days off. No one likes being sick on their days off.

1 comment:

n8 b said...

what? I had two pints of it. This was after a 22 of pilsner urquell at wiffleball and a lengthy chat with the coach after wiffleball...