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Friday, March 23, 2007

Nate's Beer #35

Last night I had another beer out of the Deschutes mixed sixer that's been sitting in my fridge for about a month now. My choice was the delicious Cinder Cone Red. I'm a huge fan of this beer. It's a great tasting brew that went down very smooth. Big props to Deschutes for brewing such great beers.
Tonight I plan on drinking the Lost Coast beers that have been in my fridge for a week. I picked them up last weekend for Dicko after our visit to the Goodfoot. I think Dicko forgot they were in there because he was so disappointed with Dr. Bert's lack of "game". So I will enjoy them tonight before I go watch a kick-ass rock show featuring my friend's band Dateless. I'm sure there will be many PBR's consumed during and after the show. Can't wait!
Have a great weekend everybody!

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