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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Holiday Beers

I prefer to stay away from Irish pubs on St. paddy's day so I probably wont be having a guiness, however, I will be having a beer. As a matter of fact, i already had my beer for that day so i will be getting ahead of the game even more.

#27 Lang's Tri-Motor Amber - This beer was ok. I am wondering if I am ever going to get blown away by an amber.

#28 Lang's Huckleberry N Honey - This was actually pretty good, not very sweet at all, but brought some interesting flavors to the beer.

#29 Lang's Skydiver Blonde - I enjoyed this beer probably the most of the Lang's half-rack of four different flavors. Went down smoothly.

#30 Lang's Manadarin Orange Hefe - Once again, a pretty good beer. I commend Lang's for being able to infuse the fruit flavors into their beers w/o over powering it with sweetness. It just adds a little something to keep it interesting.

Today's Reason to Drink: March 15th is the Ides of March so have a toga party.


Gus said...

it doesn't look like you are going for 365. It looks more like 400+. Set yourself a higher goal. I mean, you were drink off champion in college, I would think you could hit at least 450 or 500 if you set your mind to it.

Gus said...

oh yeah, and TOGA, TOGA, TOGA!

Glam said...

So far, I've had the Tri Motor (you're right, it's perfectly adequate but nothing more) and the Huckleberry which I was surprised how much I liked. Very natural tasting with a sparkling cider quality. I don't normally go for fruit beers but this one I'd have again. And more than once.

I'm looking forward to the Mandarin Orange. Sadly, my bottle of Skydiver Blonde took a dive of its own. Only Dicko and my carport floor know how good it really is.