Although I was tempted to stir up some Hibernian trouble of the Alpine Trout variety, I ended up passing St. Pat's at home, enjoying a rare, quiet night with the house to myself. I also enjoyed a cool, crisp bottle of Lang Creek Brewery's Tri-Motor Amber. Thanks again Dicko for your generous gift of a Lang Creek sampler. The Tri-Motor was perfectly fine, unless you compare it to it's sister, Huckleberry n' Honey which was surprisingly delicious, light, natural tasting and satisfying. Like good champagne. Or Pop Rocks.
Speaking of Lang Creek Brewery, they're going to exhibiting April 6th & 7th at the Spring Beer & Wine Fest in beautiful Portland, Oregon. Check out the list of brewers. Road trip anyone?

Yesterday I had a Black Butte Porter at a second rate chain restaurant at the mall. And, yeah, I pretty much got what I deserved. Blorf.

And now, to bring it up to the present, I sit here sipping on one of my perennial favorites. Wells Bombardier. I like everything about Bombardier. I like that it's called Bombardier. I like the bottle. I like that it's from jolly, olde England. I like that I had my first Bombardier at the Triple Door while watching my kid gig with with some of the hottest jazz musicians in the city.
Here, take the Wells "English Test". My grandfather would be so ashamed. I scored a mere 40%. Gotta go. Casino Royale is cued up (or is that queued up?) and ready to go.
I'm gonna have to find me some of that Turbodog. I've heard nothing but great things about it...
holy crap, spring beer fest? And its at the end of Spring break?
I am in. Abby is also in and I will let her know we are going. Who else is going?
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