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Monday, March 19, 2007

Week# 3&4

Week #3 started out with Widmer Snow Plow(43). This is one of my favorite winter brews right up there next to the New Belgium 2 Below. I know that Nate has posted a lot about some of the beers on my list so I am only going to talk about the ones that really stick out (or that I can remember). Next on the list is McMenamins Jack Rabbit Porter(44), Followed by a Lagunitas Lucky 13(45) which is an anniversary beer with an 8.3 ABV and is described as a "mondo large red lager". This beer truly lives up to reputation and is not for the faint of heart.
Cascade Lakes Rooster Tale Ale(46), Stella Artois Lager(47), McMenamins Red Ale(48), McMenamins Terminator Stout(49), Anderson Valley Boont Amber Ale(50), Carlton & United Breweries Ltd. Australia Sheaf Stout(51), and Samual Smith Oatmeal Stout(52) round out week 3. Not being a big fan of stout beer, the Sheaf Stout really surprised me. It was fairly easy drinking with a nice aroma and roasted malt and coffee overtones.
Week #4 kicked off Friday down at this little hole in the wall near work called Produce Row. It's a nice semi-dive worth mentioning because one of the original owners went on to co-found McMenamins breweries and because they have 29 beers on tap(mostly micros) and something like 200 beers from all around the world. This was a work-sponsored event which means that all the drinkers get to go out on the company dime and talk shit about work. We all split many pitchers and it should come as no surprise I can't remember the names of any of the different beers that I had. I do know that I had two reds, an amber and a pilsner, too bad I can't log them. Damn that good beer stealing my memory.
The rest of the week was kinda lame and I only logged seven beers Sapporo(53), Pilzen Czech Pilsner Urquell(54), MacTarnahan's Amber Ale(55), MacTarnahans Mac's Ale(56), St. Pauli Girl(57) gotta love the label....ummm, Laurelwood Red Ale(58), and Terminal Gravity ESG(59). Lastly I have to admit that I blew it the other night. Dicko is right, I was in the presence of a master in the art of wingman and was too drunk to capitalize on the situation. Sorry Nate, I may have been cut off but that is no reason cut your chances of hanging out with some ladies. In my defense I did start the evening after having played 18 holes of disc golf with a few comfort beers followed by a stop at Union J's for a couple IPA's (with a view). Next time I will have to prepare for the occasion, hold off the drinking until later in the evening and eat some thing before going out. I had a good time anyways, I think.....


Gus said...

didn't I give you a little handy beer listing pen? how could you fail to write down your beers? I like to see how drunk I was when I had the beer by seeing how bad my writing was...

n8 b said...

I still can't believe that you blew it when you had arguably the greatest wing-man of all time...

(shaking head in disgust....)