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Monday, March 12, 2007


So I can't tell online if Mac's ale is the same as Mac's amber ale. The bottle I just had says that it is a pale in the little description up around the neck, but no where does it say Amber. But Mac's advertises itself as an Amber ale. And then I see a label online that says amber, and see a Mac's amber in the store with a different label. I am so confused, but I think I had a different beer tonight. Mactarnahan's Pale Ale (Mac's Ale). I also had an Alaskan Amber at JTs steakhouse with some oh so excellent crab dip, casa-dillas, and jalepeno poppers made with chedder instead of cream cheese, which is 100 times better by the way, and then had my Terminal Gravity IPA. Mac's good, Alaskan good, Terminal smelled like doodie, but actually wasn't that bad. So today was a good day.

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