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Thursday, March 8, 2007

3/7 Halo and Mix N Match

So I have found a new addiction, and it is finding new kinds of beer, and mixing and matching 6 packs. Remember how I said I had 30+ different beers a few weeks ago? I have drank at least 10 of those, and now I have 40+ different beers plus a fridge door full of extras.

I also found that if you shop at the same place enough, you can go right to the self-check, yell out "do you need to see my ID?" and then when they say no and waive the ID check, they don't bother to look at your beer either. I also found myself at the store for at least 15 minutes writing down beers I didn't buy, and expect to give in to temptation and buy them within the month. Good thing I have two fridges...

And last night was good old Widmer Broken Halo while bowling. And then on top of what was already a good night, my friend Amy had Jublale and 2 Below still in her fridge, and both are not on the shelves anymore, and She gave them to me. I was so happy.


n8 b said...

You better hope that Williamson doesn't come back to town and spend the night at your place... you could end up waking up with a half empty fridge.

Gus said...

Yeah, even Williamson couldn't kill my fridge in one night the way it is stocked right now. It would probably take the whole 365 crew.

Dicko said...

Good idea Gus.

n8 b said...

Great Idea Gus! I'll be at your place when you get home tonight. I'm gonna start with whatever beers you have that I don't (read: expensive) and work my way down the fridge. See you there!

Gus said...

anything in the door is fair game, and your mirror pond that I owe you is in the door too.