While wandering the beer aisle at the grocery story, a certain lager caught my attention. It may have been because I had been telling Dicko and Glam a shortened, edited version of the story of the two Czech sisters I met in Sydney, Australia. The part of the story I didn't get to was that after our late night visit to the beach, I made it back to my hotel and collapsed at around 6am. The problem was I had a flight back to LAX at noon. Hungover, lacking sleep, and still wrapping my head around one of the best nights ever, I made my flight on time only to spend the next 4 hours sitting on the plane at the gate while a computer problem was diagnosed. I had an aisle seat. The two people next to me wanted to get up and walk around every 10 minutes. You have no idea how much I grew to hate them over that 18 hour period.
Anyway, back to the beer. Lion Kralovsky Lev is from the Czech Republic, and like its female human counterparts, is light, refreshing, and blonde, with a sweet, honey-like aroma.
That's funny, I find myself very thirsty all of the sudden...
Damn it, he covered everything I could call him on, they were human, female, light, didn't stink.... I hope you got sand in your crack.
Dicko, you're a dick. It took me the better part of the past year to forget about the sand. Thanks for bringing that up.
Notice the capital A.
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