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Friday, March 2, 2007

A Blast from the Past

Today at lunch I had a couple of Rainiers with my bacon cheeseburger. Man! I felt like I was 12 years old again and drinking with my dad.


Gus said...

I just about had Rainier while bowling the other night but opted for the MGD. Why? Because I am saving Rainier for the "Rainier Days" beergarden across the river in Rainier the week after July 4th. That is the best place to enjoy a cold Rainier while watching the fireworks.

AlpineTrout said...

He doesn't really remind you of your dad, does he? Because that would be kind of creepy...

Glam said...

Okay, back story.

So I was having lunch at Jules Maes with an ex-flame when Alpine Trout rolled in with his posse. The old flame, although my age, looks like a grandpa. This is to whom ATrout is referring above. Thanks Dude, you're a real mensch. And yes, to add to the creepy factor, he is indeed very much like my father. There, you happy now? Thanks for bringing THAT up.