Saturday, March 31, 2007
Nate's Beer #43
Friday, March 30, 2007
#41 - Hale's Pale Ale
#42 - Fish Tale Organic IPA
#43 - Fish Tale Organic Amber
#44 - Bison Chocolate Stout
Did I mention that the two organic beers are grown at eco friendly farms. Oh yes folks, instead of pesticides, they use sniffer dogs to track the pheromones released by the female Mealy bug which can decimate the crop. Likewise, birds and bats are used to hunt down other crop detroying bugs. They use owls and hawks to hunt rodent, but they still have to trap the ground hogs. Once trapped though, they freeze the carcus and grind it up to feed the baby owls and hawks. MMMMMmmmm! So what does this all mean, well about $1 more to a six pack and about a dollar short on taste.
Nate's Beer #42
Hand me a Red Stripe mon - it's Friday!
By the way, anyone know the best way to ship a six-pack cross country without breaking anything or shaking up the bottles...or costing me a gazillion dollars? I'm gonna have to do that for whoever wins the tourney.
My head hurts
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Beers At Work - Glam

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Bowling is hot
RRR 31 - Leinenkugel

Nate's Beer #41
Bring Back a Beer Culture
Overcoming a Frat Party Reputation
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
great quote
Beer, making bad times tolerable, and good times out-fuckin-standing.
Then I had a Lagunita's IPA and a Indica IPA from Lost Coast Brewing. I also made another fun trip to Fred Meyer and came back with 16 different boys, a few in 24s and a few grenades of Fosters Bitter and Heiniken. Also, I am taking a few days off next week, and plan to stretch a volleyball tourney in Albany to a trip to Rouge Brewery, and can't fucking wait. I am going to buy every kind they have. And have some dead guy. Lots of it.
Lang Creek Brewery: 0 for 2
Blasphemy - Glam
Last night is was a Fat Tire in a plastic cup at the Showbox. Completely eclipsed by the show itself.
Nate's Beer #39
Monday, March 26, 2007
a few more
Then a Firestation 5 Pike Pole Porter while finally sorting through 9 months of paperwork to finally do my taxes one of these nights. Being organized is cool, except for when you are too lazy to keep up with it.
In between those two beers I had a Butler dark beer, which I am pretty sure was actually a Black Butte Porter that the waitress was too stupid to pronounce. I was skeptical that the chinese restaurant had a beer I hadn't heard of, especially when she brought it and it looked and tasted exactly like Black Butte. But I did learn that if I ever run out of different beers, I will just go somewhere that stupid people work and have a few of the other choices she offered like Windermere. Stupid wench, I needed 3 different beers to get back on track and now I am too tired. Guess I need to have 3 tomorrow.
Nate's Beer #38
The beer itself was pretty easy drinking. I may have to try it again out on the disc golf course.
Bass Like Ass, Not Bass Like Ace - Glam

or a bass fisherman,
Bass, my beer for Monday, is fine beverage. Even if their website is the most obnoxious I've seen thus far, the beer itself has a little something to appeal to everybody.

Final Four
According to the Vegas bookies, the odds are as follows:
Favorite: Florida (Gus)
Underdog: UCLA (Nate)
Spread: Florida by 3
Favorite: Ohio State (Alex)
Underdog: Georgetown (Nate)
Spread: Even
If Nate pulls two upsets and has both his teams in the finals thereby sweeping the entire beer winnings, I won't send him any beer. F**kin' A.
RRR 27-30
On Friday afternoon, I met my buddy Tom for lunch and had a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat (27). I found it extremely tasty! That night Tom and I headed over to our friends' Kiersten and Scott's place to play cards and watch the games. I had a Steinlager (28) by the New Zealand Brewing Company, which was very refreshing, and a Bass Pale Ale, which I forgot I had already had a few weeks before so doesn't count.
The following night the Canadian, his roommate and I went out to dinner and I had a Labatt Blue (29). After we met up with some friends downtown at a bar and I had a Yeungling Lager (30), which was pretty unremarkable in comparison to some of the stellar other brews so far.
Overall, I'm just glad last week's over...AND that Georgetown pulled off the upset over UNC:)
Home Brew rears its ugly head....
Its weird that almost every Friday night I find myself at the same bar near work and 4 weeks ago I had drank all the different types of beers they have. Somehow I keep getting new types of beer though. This week Friday I had myself some Pacific IPA and some Pilsner Urquell. Don't know how either of them tasted because I was and am so congested right now I haven't enjoyed the sense of smell or taste for a week. From past experience though, Pilsner Urquell blows...
On Saturday I went to a bday party and drank a lot of home brew. My friends the Carlson brothers made two types of beer. Carlson IPA and Carlson Winter Ale, both I assume tasted pretty good, but like I said, I am more stuffed than a john holmes - mandingo sandwich. On a side note, the home brew came back with a vengence on Sunday.
Finally, last night I drank a Sol at a mexican restaurant and went to bed after an exhausting weekend. Aren't weekends suppose to be for relaxation?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wine thwarts another day
As for Saturday and Sunday, I watched a few more of you lose out on the pool, then coached all day Sunday, and managed a JW Dundee's Honey Brown, a Bridgeport Beertown Brown, an Inversion IPA and Cascade Ale from Deschutes, a Full Sail LTD 01, and am right now enjoying a Lost Coast Downtown Brown. I didn't know it before, but I really like Brown beers. A lot. Like I was only going to have 2 beers to unwind from winning another tournament (that's right, best coaches EVA!), but the brown's are so good I am going to see if I have any more...
Ahhh, Great Success! I have a Newcastle Brown Ale in the fridge, and am going to consume it in the hot tub in a few minutes. Man I like beer. And I just counted, and will be at 75 different beers after the Newcastle. I'm only one behind the 2-a day pace. Nice.
The Rise of Taj
Nate's Beer #37
Nate's Beer #36
I started the night off with a Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine that I was going to count for my beer of the day. It was pretty tasty and packed quite a punch. I still have one more sitting in my fridge and I'm sure I'll crack that badboy open here in a week or so.
After the Bigfoot I grabbed my 22 of Great White. I've already counted the Great White but I really enjoyed it when I had it so I decided to have another. While I was having my Great White my friends Reggie, Margaux, Laura and Courtney all showed up at my place. We all enjoyed a beer together and made our way to the show.
While we were at the show I had beer # 36 thanks to Dr. Bert. It was New Belgium's spring seasonal, Springboard. I've had this before and I like it, just not as much as Fat Tire, Skinny Dip, 1554 or 2 Below.
Somewhere during the evening Le-Vy bought me a shot of tequila. This is were my night started to go bad. I remember sometime later buying Le-Vy a drink, but I have no idea what it was. I think we may have had more tequila. During these couple of hours I also consumed numerous PBR's and a shot of something else.
I came home from the show and passed out on my couch. When I woke up at 8 in the morning I felt like I had been hit by a very large truck. My head hurt so fucking bad that I downed some aspirin and went back to bed. A couple of hours later I was better but still pretty hung. It finally went away early this morning.
The moral of the story is this: Tequila is evil.
(edit: Dr Bert wanted me to let everybody know that he does in fact have some game and he isn't scared of girls. He was making out with one in the middle of the bar Friday night. It was just as cool as it sounds.)
Two More - Glam
The Menabrea was servicable and familiar. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it again but if I were at a party where it was the only beer being served, all would not be lost.
The Mandarin was strange. The subtle flavor is most definately mandarin orange. The beer itself is a sturdy hefe. It didn't taste Bad but it wasn't Good either. It was...weird.
Oh, hey Trout. Congratulations on keeping your dignity. Did you actually have to put your pants on the table when you bet them?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A Hit and a Miss - Glam
The Saloon, for those of you who've not been there, is semi-Jules Mae's-ian. It retains it's atmosphere of another era. It's also got a cetain Collins Bar quality that I enjoy as well. But, ultimately, it's the clientel that really makes the place. From shaggy to chic and in every color of the mental wellness rainbow, people come to the P Square Saloon to lean their elbows on the hundred year old bar and drink from the broad variety of beers.
When we first got there, I had a lovely pour from the Elysian tap, specifically the Zephyrus Pilsner. This is my third Elysian brew and dang if it wasn't a winner as well. Lovely, balanced flavor, held it's effervescence, and very tasty from first sip to last glug.
While I was enjoying the Zephyrus, my friend S was sipping a glass of water. (She really, really isn't much of a beer drinker) but, when my pint jar became empty, she insisted on buying the next round. My friend Peter had raved about the Longboard here so I requested one of those. S returned to the table with two beers. The light, unmenacing Longboard for me and the bartender's recommendation for her. Her glass was filled with a deep reddish honey colored brew that appealing to the eye. It looked exactly like what a glass of beer should look like. Not knowing what to order, S trusted the bartender. Not knowing what she liked, he made the perfect selection. He poured her a Manny's. And she, a non beer drinker, finished it to the last drop.
Oh, and my Kona Longboard was a disappointment. It was unremarkable, dull. It went flat right away and it tasted kinda weird - fruity in a bad way with a hint of sour feet. Peter will defend it to the end but I can't say as I recommend it.
Friday, it was pleasure as usual. A couple of Manny's at Jules Maes with some of my favorite people in the world. Had to cut it short though. Had a date with the Glamor Kid to go see 300 (Frank Miller, bitches!). If you haven't seen it, shut down your computer right now and go see it on the biggest screen in your town. Seriously. Read more here.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Nate's Beer #35
Tonight I plan on drinking the Lost Coast beers that have been in my fridge for a week. I picked them up last weekend for Dicko after our visit to the Goodfoot. I think Dicko forgot they were in there because he was so disappointed with Dr. Bert's lack of "game". So I will enjoy them tonight before I go watch a kick-ass rock show featuring my friend's band Dateless. I'm sure there will be many PBR's consumed during and after the show. Can't wait!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
bowling baby
Also, I just lost So. Ill. and am now down to Florida. Nate still has UCLA as long as they hold onto their lead. Alex may lose Ohio St. if Emily's great orange hope can hold onto the big lead they have opened up. Glam is alive til at least the weekend with Kansas barely beating my boys at So. Ill., and still with hopes of USC tomorrow, although that would eliminate Trout. Dicko is still alive with Memphis, but has Pitt currently losing to Nates UCLA. Ed is destined to lose at least one team as Oregon plays UNLV tomorrow. And his Butler better lose to my last hope Florida and Nate probably hopes will beat Ed's Vanderbilt, which could cut Ed's hopes down to one...
Lastly, when's the last time you just grabbed a can of whipped cream and (...shit no matter how I type this it sounds dirty, squirt some in your mouth, fill your mouth up, have a mouth full, spray some into your mouth, anyways,) I can't remember the last time for me, until just a minute ago. And as we have two kinds left over from some party awhile ago, I did a taste test. And the good stuff is WAY better than the cheap stuff. Just FYI in case you are shopping and wondering if the extra 0.50 is worth it.
Nate's Beer #34

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blazers win again
And after reading Nate's post, I had a thought:
I like IPAs and ESBs, but they are really an acquired taste. I feel the bitter beers and stouts are kind of like drinking wine in that you really have to ease into it. You can't just surprise a 21 year old with ESB or a dark stout and say, "here, this is beer and I know its not your usual busch lite, but you are supposed to like it because it's expensive, so drink it." You really have to get used to drinking some beers, kind of like scotch, or drinking straight vodka on the rocks.
Nate's Beer #33
Beer #35
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Fuzzy Shamrock Memories - RRR Beers 20-26
Apparently I can't count either. I went back and was counting beers and was 2 off (I used the number 7 twice) So I'm including the extra in my list now. I'm up to 26 beers as of today. Note the question marks for beer 26. That was drunken at the 3rd bar of the night. I know it was a new brew, so even though I can't remember the name I'm counting it.
20) Harp Ale
21) Victory Hop Double D IPA
22) Sleeman's Honey Brown
23) St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout
24) Magic Hat Circus Boy
25) Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot
26) ????
Always bet on black
Last night I had another dead guy ale at applebees, and then a Guiness Draught, a Murphy's Stout, and a Firehouse 5 Bunker Gear Winter Ale at home later. I still love the dead guy, but all three of these other beers still rank right up there. I am still happy today just remembering how good these beers all were...
And I was looking through the spring brew&wine fest in 3 weeks, and New Belgium is going to be there with a beer you can't get here right now, the Mother Ship Wit Organic Ale. This in and of itself should be reason to go. Cause every beer New Belgium has made, I have liked. I can't wait.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Report From The Field
3/11 - Harnas (Poland)
3/12 - Heineken Slovensko Golden Pheasant/Zlatny Bazant (Slovakia)
3/13 - Karlovacko (Croatia)
3/14 - Young's Double Chocolate Stout (England)
3/15 - Pyramid Amber Weizen (USA)
3/16 - Bitburger (Germany)
3/17 - Guinness Stout (Ireland)
3/18 - Modelo Especial (Mexico)
3/19 - Aldaris Porteris (Latvia)
Nate's Beer #32
Week# 3&4
Cascade Lakes Rooster Tale Ale(46), Stella Artois Lager(47), McMenamins Red Ale(48), McMenamins Terminator Stout(49), Anderson Valley Boont Amber Ale(50), Carlton & United Breweries Ltd. Australia Sheaf Stout(51), and Samual Smith Oatmeal Stout(52) round out week 3. Not being a big fan of stout beer, the Sheaf Stout really surprised me. It was fairly easy drinking with a nice aroma and roasted malt and coffee overtones.
Week #4 kicked off Friday down at this little hole in the wall near work called Produce Row. It's a nice semi-dive worth mentioning because one of the original owners went on to co-found McMenamins breweries and because they have 29 beers on tap(mostly micros) and something like 200 beers from all around the world. This was a work-sponsored event which means that all the drinkers get to go out on the company dime and talk shit about work. We all split many pitchers and it should come as no surprise I can't remember the names of any of the different beers that I had. I do know that I had two reds, an amber and a pilsner, too bad I can't log them. Damn that good beer stealing my memory.
The rest of the week was kinda lame and I only logged seven beers Sapporo(53), Pilzen Czech Pilsner Urquell(54), MacTarnahan's Amber Ale(55), MacTarnahans Mac's Ale(56), St. Pauli Girl(57) gotta love the label....ummm, Laurelwood Red Ale(58), and Terminal Gravity ESG(59). Lastly I have to admit that I blew it the other night. Dicko is right, I was in the presence of a master in the art of wingman and was too drunk to capitalize on the situation. Sorry Nate, I may have been cut off but that is no reason cut your chances of hanging out with some ladies. In my defense I did start the evening after having played 18 holes of disc golf with a few comfort beers followed by a stop at Union J's for a couple IPA's (with a view). Next time I will have to prepare for the occasion, hold off the drinking until later in the evening and eat some thing before going out. I had a good time anyways, I think.....
I'm back...and behind dangit
We were coaching all weekend, which seriously hampered my beer drinking efforts, but our team did well and took 2nd in the 2nd division of the power bracket at the Yakima Jamboree. Basically we lost a few close ones, but went 5-3 and won tshirts, so we were happy.
As for beers, Friday I finally enjoyed a Sam Adams Black Lager I took with me (and a few Red Hook ESBs in the hotel lounge), Saturday had some Green Beer (yes I'm counting it) but unfortunately no guinness cause I just got too tired to drink the ones I brought with me as we had to get up again before 7:00 and then coach all day, and Sunday I had a Michelob Amberbock at a great pizza place just past white pass on the way back from yakima, and then a Mac's Blackwatch Porter when I got home before I fell asleep exhausted. So I am behind a few beers of my two-a-day schedule, but planning on doing some catching up this week before another tournament this weekend.
Also, I am making plans for the springbeerfest April 6th and 7th, and hope you guys are too.
Well, I guess the weekend started off well....
The one thing that Nate didn't mention is that Dr. Bert completely blew his chance to be accompanied by some females home because of his drunken haze. While waiting for food, I met a couple of ladies at the bar that I had mutual friends with in Tennessee of all places and they were ready to party with my buddies Dr. Bert and Nate. As soon as the food came Dr. Bert was out the door w/o me and when I called for him, he turned around, came back in looked around and left again. Not sure if he even knew where he was. Being the honest, married man that I am, I told the ladies goodnight because I wanted to save Bert the embarrassment of explaining whiskey dick and I wasn't sure if Nate made it back from the Plaid Pantry alive. Maybe next time, my Wingman skills will not go wasted. For shame, Bert, for shame.
The above is the good part of the weekend, that bad part is the WSU has a team full of chokers and completely ruined my whole rest of my weekend. I hate them....all I could muster to drink on Saturday was a Tilt 8.0 and then I was done.
Sweet 16 Update
Glamor Goat- Kansas, USC
n8 b- Georgetown, UCLA
Alex- Ohio State, Texas A&M
Dr. Bert (lucky s.o.b.)- Butler, Oregon, UNLV, Vanderbilt
Alpine Trout (what happened?)- North Carolina
Dicko- Memphis, Pittsburgh
Gus- Florida, Southern Illinois
Emily- Tennessee
Nate's Beer #31
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Three Beers Behind - Glam

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Nate's Beer #29
So we hung out at my place for a little while, bullshitting and drinking and then decided to go find a nearby bar. Since none of us felt we could drive, we walked over to the Goodfoot on Stark and enjoyed a couple of brews there. First off was No Pity Pale Ale which was a little hoppy buy fucking delicious. After that we had some Terminal Gravity that pretty much finished me off. We were all hungry and decided to get some grub. We also decided that we should probably get some more beers.
We decided to split up with Ed and Ryan grabbing some grub at some cafe next to the Goodfoot. I decided to head down a couple of blocks to the nearest Plaid Pantry and grab some brews. Ed said he'd drink anything so I grabbed a sixer of Dead Guy to split with him. Dicko said he wanted something new and exciting so I grabbed him a 22 of Lost Coast Brewing's Great White and a 22 of their Indica Ale.
After grabbing the brews and made my way back to my place. I was met shortly there after and we decided to watch BeerFest. Well we all ate while watching the movie and I think we were all passed out shortly after. What a great fucking night! Thanks for coming down Dicko, we had a blast. Next time you'll have to bring Smooty.
Friday, March 16, 2007
March Madness Round 1 Update
Glamor Goat:
Indiana, Kansas, USC
n8 b:
Georgetown, Texas, UCLA, Boston College
Ohio St., Texas A&M, Virginia Commonwealth U
Alpine Trout (I hate you):
Louisville, Wisconsin, Creighton, Purdue, WAZZU, North Carolina
Dr. Bert:
Butler, Michigan State, Vanderbilt, Oregon, UNLV
Memphis, Pittsburgh, Xavier, Kentucky
Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Southern Illinois
Nate's Beer #28
If that's your flagship beer, you should just shut down the brewery. This beer was terrible. I found nothing enjoyable about it at all except for when I was finally finished (just because that meant I didn't have to drink anymore).
I remember at last year's Brewer's Festival drinking some beer that I believed at the time was called Rooster. Well after trying this beer last night, I believe that it's the same as the one at the brew-fest. It was so bad last night that I had to drink two pints of hefeweizen and a big-ass Dead Guy Ale to just wash the taste out of my mouth.
Try to avoid this beer if at all possible.
How's everybody else doing at the one month mark? What were your most enjoyed beers so far and what was your least? I'd have to say that the Rogue Dead Guy was probably my favorite so far, right ahead of the PBR and He'Brew. Rooster Tail is easily the worst of the bunch and I can't really think of anything that was close to as bad.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
3/15 and streaming video
and last night I went to watch the Blazers lose to Detroit, and enjoyed a Stella Artois and a Pyramid Hefeweizen (I hate this beer and wanted it off the list, and $8 a beer, I think it turned out pretty good since it wasn't as horrible after a $8 Stella right before). Blazers lost as expected, and now its on to March Madness and hopefuly some irish beer the next few nights.
Holiday Beers
#27 Lang's Tri-Motor Amber - This beer was ok. I am wondering if I am ever going to get blown away by an amber.
#28 Lang's Huckleberry N Honey - This was actually pretty good, not very sweet at all, but brought some interesting flavors to the beer.
#29 Lang's Skydiver Blonde - I enjoyed this beer probably the most of the Lang's half-rack of four different flavors. Went down smoothly.
#30 Lang's Manadarin Orange Hefe - Once again, a pretty good beer. I commend Lang's for being able to infuse the fruit flavors into their beers w/o over powering it with sweetness. It just adds a little something to keep it interesting.
Today's Reason to Drink: March 15th is the Ides of March so have a toga party.
Nate's Beer #27

On their website they describe Genesis as "Crisp, smooth and perfectly balanced between a west coast style pale and amber ale, with a supple malt sweetness and pronounced hop flourish." That's a pretty damn good description.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Holiday Beers

Reasons to Drink
Today's Reason: Drink 3.14 drinks in honor of Pi day! (03/14)
and here is a few picks from last night, not very good, but beer drinkers don't ususally make good photographers.
Look at the size of that growler
Is it just me, or does my glass appear to be full of coffee? Damn the tatonka is dark.
365 Picks
I emailed everyone this so you can print and see how you do, but here it is and Nate has it typed out below. Also, Alex figured some stats so you can see how you rank. It should be a close race with everyone having some good teams.
name Michelle Nate Alex Ed Brendan Ryan Erik Emily
avg rank 9.25 - 8.13 - 7.63 - 8.25 - 7.13 - 8.38 - 8.25 - 11.00
My beer for 3/13 while we did this and watched Borat was the BJ's Tatonka Stout, like mentioned below. That stuff was so dark that we thought the bottle was clear until we finished it and saw that it had the BJ's label on the outside. You know it's dark when you can't even see the label...
RRR 14-17: Canada brews

I also got to have a very tasty apricot wheat made by the brand St. Ambroise, brewed by the McAuslan Brewing Co. in Quebec.. In fact, I'd have to rate it as the best Apricot Wheat I've ever had. The fruit notes tasted like they just put the apricots in right there. We stopped at a beer store before heading back to the States and you can apparently purchase this brand there as well, for those of you living near the border. I myself picked up a sixer of Grasshopper, a wheat beer made by the Big Rock Brewery in Alberta that also makes Warthog brew. I've heard only good things about it, so looking forward to tearing into that sixer at one point.

I also spent some time at Otto's Pub with friends, since one of my buddies Evan is moving back to Cali soon. I'm running out of choices on the Otto's menu though. I had the Double D IPA, the Red Mo Ale, and the Mount Nittany Pale Ale. The Red Mo is the best of that bunch though. Sooo tasty. I'll miss not being able to repeat it for a while.
Anyhow, overall opinion is that Canada is full of good brew. For those of you living near the border, a trip across for some of these brands is totally worth it.
March Madness Picks
Glamor Goat (team rankings in parantheses)-
Stanford (11) Indiana (7) Kansas (1) USC (5) Jackson St. (16) Virginia Tech (5) Oral Roberts (14) Belmont (15)
n8 b -
Albany (13) Georgetown (2) Texas (4) Weber State (15) UCLA (2) C. Conn. St. (16) Boston College (7) Notre Dame (6)
Alex -
Long Beach St. (12) Ohio State (1) Texas A&M (3) Nevada (7) Texas Tech (10) VCU (11) Arizona (8) Villanova (9)
Dr. Bert -
Butler (5) Gonzaga (10) Michigan St (9) Vanderbilt (6) Davidson (13) New Mexico St. (13) Oregon (3) UNLV (7)
Alpine Trout -
Illinois (12) Louisville (6) Wisconsin (2) Creighton (10) Pennsylvania (14) Purdue (9) WAZZU (3) UNC (1)
Dicko -
Memphis (2) Holy Cross (13) Texas A&M C.C. (15) Pittsburgh (3) George Washington (11) Xavier (9) Duke (6) Kentucky (8)
Gus -
Old Dominion (12) Florida (1) Winthrop (11) Virginia (4) Maryland (4) Southern Illinios (4) Wright St (14) Niagra (16)
Red Red Rine -
Marquette (8) BYU (8) Tennessee (5) E. Kentucky (16) Arkansas (12) North Texas (15) Georgia Tech (10) Miami of Ohio (14)
An American Classic
Nate's Beer #26

So after work last night I stopped by my friends the Williamson's house and enjoyed a Blue Moon belgium ale. But I decided that I'm not going to count that for number 26 because I most likely will be drinking a couple more of these before this year is over. After drinking some beer and enjoying some pizza with Reggie and Margaux (thanks guys!) I decided to head over to the Guttormsens and watch Borat with them.
Erik had picked up a growler of Tatonka Stout at BJ's in Portland after the last Blazer game. I informed him that I had never been to BJ's and he decided he would share it with me. I was checking out BJ's website this morning and they described Tatonka as "An Imperial Stout – a classic style so rich and flavorful that it was once the private beverage of Russian Czars. The profile is malty sweet, hop bitter roasted, full-bodied, alcoholic, and deliciously complex. Beer doesn’t get much more intense than this!" And they are right. It was a very dark "intense" beer. I don't think I could drink it on a regular basis but every once in a while if I was wanting a dark beer, I could see myself grabbing a Tatonka....
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
365 Pool
Comment to let me know you are in for sure and with suggestions, but I am pretty much just entering all 8 of you in this and will draw team names with Nate tonight.
My bet will be in the form of a mixed sixer of microbrews, unless we decide on something else.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Nate's Beer #25

blazers win again
I knocked another staple off my list with a Mac's Amber Ale's I had before the Blazer game last night. When your choice is coors light, or Mac's, you choose Mac's even if you already had one in the fridge chilling for another day. Then after another $8 beer during the game (Widmer Drop Top, man this is good beer) Abby and I went to BJ's Pizzeria and Brewhouse for dinner and enjoyed a pitcher of the Brewhouse Blonde. Blazers won by 20 or so, and I had a good buzz going along with some buffalo wing pizza that I just finished the leftovers of for lunch a few minutes ago. I also picked up a growler of Tatonka Stout that Nate and I plan to share on Tuesday while making some bracket picks and hopefully watching Borat.
Saturday - Anchor Steam. I was introduced to this beer by Nate and Dr. Bert, and shit, I like it a lot. It went great with chinese take out after our 12 hour tournament and cleanup. I had the other one from my fridge Sunday with leftover lunch, cause that's the kind of guy I am.
Friday - Dinner at Amy's for her birthday, and she gave me her last Tilt so I could wake the fuck up, then enjoyed a Jubeale instead of the wine we brought her, because this isn't 365 days of wine motherfucker, and 2-a-days is gonna take some commitment. I even tried one of the girls Schmirnoff Twisted Arctic Blue or some shit like that. It was pretty good, but couldn't count it cause I only had an ounce or so. I will have to mix and match a sixer of these fruity crazy bottles of headache later in the challange, cause there is no way I am purchasing extras of this stuff.
Also, while adding more to the beer list, I found that Fish Brewing (probably Trout's favorite) makes Spire's ciders. I added a few of theirs and some other oganics to my fridge, and when I went to add to the cider list, I found hornsbys on this site. Apparently these two guys are responsible for bringing all the "quality" wines to us in our favorite supermarkets. Man, they make some horrible shit.
#21 and beyond
Freinds Beers:
#22 Red Hook Copper Hook Spring Ale - I like this beer better than Red Hook ESB, but that isn't saying much.
#23 Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea - Bitch Pop!
#24 Samuel Adams Winter Lager - A darker beer with a slight taste of dirt.
Red House Beers:
#25 Saxo Belgium Blonde Ale - Hard to describe, but it made the back of my tongue go numb which I feel would come in handy if i was in prison.

#26 Liquor de Malt(Dogfish Head Brewing)- I had to get this again and I was lucky, I got their last bottle of it. It doesn't taste that good but it really messes me up. This is the infamous 40oz that comes with its own fancy bag and directions on how to place the 40 into the bag. Awesome. Brewer's description below:
The world's only bottle-conditioned Malt Liquor, brewed with red, white and blue gourmet corns (released in time for Independence Day!). Each 40-ounce bottle comes with a hand-stamped brown paper bag. Cheers!
Each 12-ounce serving of this beer has about 246 calories.
Oh Yeah - #21 was Heineken
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Nate's Beer #24
Afterwards we all went to Pizza Schmizza and enjoyed two BBQ Chicken pizzas along with some Schmizza Beer which is a locally brewed IPA. So that is what I'm counting for my beer #24 on day #24. It was alright for an IPA. I would probably label it more as an amber ale. It was very copper in color and not very hoppy at all. It drank down smooth like an amber ale. Pretty good beer to go with pizza.
(Just got back from Central Market, where I went on an eastern European beer buying spree. My refrigerator now contains brews from Russia, Latvia, Poland, Croatia, and Slovakia. It's going to be a fun week.)
Checking in...
Friday: Pyramid Thunderhead IPA
Saturday: New Belgium Springboard
I don't feel like writing anything else, so I leave you with this:
Nate's Beer #23
We decided to go with Pabst Blue Ribbon which is always a good choice. We played our first round pretty quickly so we decided to play another. On the second round we were joined by a couple of guys and they were kind enough to share their Budweisers with us. I ended up shooting my best two rounds evah. All in all a good day.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Nate's Beer #22

Friday, March 9, 2007
Where the Eff Has Glam Been?

Thursday: Tona beer from Nicaragua. Um...totally unremarkable.
march madness
Also, in case one bracket isn't enough, I created a yahoo bracket group called Go Cougs.
Group ID# 53110
PW cougsin07
Holy shit, beer #39
Nate's Beer #21

Thursday, March 8, 2007
3/7 Halo and Mix N Match
I also found that if you shop at the same place enough, you can go right to the self-check, yell out "do you need to see my ID?" and then when they say no and waive the ID check, they don't bother to look at your beer either. I also found myself at the store for at least 15 minutes writing down beers I didn't buy, and expect to give in to temptation and buy them within the month. Good thing I have two fridges...
And last night was good old Widmer Broken Halo while bowling. And then on top of what was already a good night, my friend Amy had Jublale and 2 Below still in her fridge, and both are not on the shelves anymore, and She gave them to me. I was so happy.
Dirty Dicko... I mean Dick's...

Young's is Britain's oldest brewery. They have been brewing beer since 1581 and export several varieties to North America.
On Tuesday evening, it was finally time to crack the bottle of Young's Dirty Dick's Ale that had been chilling in my fridge for over a week. The name refers to a man named Nathaniel Bentley, who, during Victorian times, lived on the premises of a pub in London which now also bears the Dirty Dick's name and was acquired by Young's in 1991. Mr. Bentley earned the nickname Dirty Dick because he was so notorious for refusing to wash or clean himself. The ale had a very typical British ale flavor reminiscent of those I sampled in the UK, with a rich ruby color, and was rather enjoyable.
Keeping the Young's streak going, last night I sampled a bottle of their Old Nick Barley Wine Style Ale while I watched School for Scoundrels. As far as barley wines go, it was quite mild, with a low alcohol content (not "devilish potency" as billed by the brewer) and not as sweet as most barley wines. It was very drinkable, but not particularly exciting.
This report wouldn't be complete without some helpful tips, so here you go:

Nate's Beer #20
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
quick funny stories
Then while having a beer at our coaches meeting Monday, I came out to find a big rig parked within 12 inches of my drivers side door. I'm not exagerating, my mirror actually stuck out over the tires a little. I was going to go back in side and find out who the little-penis-having-motherfucker was, cause I had 2 drinks and figured I could take a trucker, but Abby talked me out of it and I climbed in the passenger side and went home to have a few more beers instead.
Anything crazy happen to any of you during 365 yet?
Drinking Jokes
Plus our very own Stacy sent a great email with even more fun stuff.
The Value of a Drink
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame, Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams .. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."
~ Jack Handy
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your bra and panties.
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.
"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."
~ Henny Youngman
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.
"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?I think not."
~ Stephen Wright
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing.
"When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!"
~ Brian O'Rourke
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy.
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
~ Benjamin Franklin
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."
~ Dave Barry
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over
an! d over again that you love them.
To some it's a six-pack, to me it's a Support Group. Salvation in a can!
~Dave Howell
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
And saving the best for last, as explained by Cliff Clavin,of Cheers.
One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to
his buddy Norm. Here's how it went:
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not
Also, Smooty sent a great email link. Who has more alumni pride, Cougars or Huskys?
Nate's Beer #19
The beer we had was just called pale ale. It kind of looked like Ruby but it was a little darker and it didn't have any taste of fruit at all like the Ruby does. It was really good and really easy to drink. I liked it and I will probably have it again in the future.
After we left McMenamin's Dr. Bert wanted to head downtown Portland and meet his buddy Lance who was celebrating his birthday. So we stopped by one of Lance's buddies place and they were all drinking gin and tonics. Well since it was his birthday we couldn't not enjoy a couple of gin and tonics with him. And they were good so they were going down easy.
And that is why I am feeling a little hungover this morning.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Day 19 - Glam

Hard Ciders

Local Drinking Spot Gone Dry! (or has it?)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Na zdraví!
Anyway, back to the beer. Lion Kralovsky Lev is from the Czech Republic, and like its female human counterparts, is light, refreshing, and blonde, with a sweet, honey-like aroma.