Widmer Hefeweizen is probably the only Hefe worth drinking available at most stores. Pyramid, not the same. Henrys, I actually hate this beer. Firehouse, meh, okay. There are a few out there (help me here if you can) but for the most part it is Widmer only. And on top of that tangent, and getting back to the subject at hand, Widmer has Prosts on the underside of their caps.
Until now I thought that the marketing guys for Widmer and Kurt & Rob must be awesome beer drinking guys my age. And I just found that the marketing guys are in fact the general public, so actually are awesome beer drinking guys my age that log in to the site and submit Prosts. Submit your own and vote for the newest winner, or read the list of past winners.
My submission:
To a Plan Coming Together.
What do you think?
To a-plan a-coming together? I think that's a good idea. I'm game.
I'll be in PDX for a work-related thing the first week of March. (Actually the 8th, I think.)
Hey guys, can I play too? I do love me some beer;)
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