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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Best Slogan Ever

First off, day 8 was a blur, including a Pyramid Snow Cap at the Blazer game, then a Mirror Pond at Nate's, then splitting 3 pitchers at McMenimans, Jetstream IPA, Ruby (already checked this one off, and will again tonight), and the Hillsdale Porter, then finishing off the night (read, morning) with a Great White from Lost Coast Brewing. All in all, a great night.

But searching for more beers for the list made me realize that I did not yet have
Pabst Brewing on the list, which has been fixed, but I found that Pabst brews all kinds of beers we can't get around here. Road trips may be in my future. That or the lazier way of ordering online. But I found the BEST SLOGAN EVER under Schaefer beer (which is cool cause that is my Grandpa's family name).

"Get your hands on an ice-cold Schaefer and you’ll know why America’s oldest lager is still going strong. Established in New York, New York by Frederick Schaefer in 1842, Schaefer Beer remains proudly brewed in the United States of America and consistently lives up to its famous slogan, “The one beer to have when you’re having more than one.”

We used to drink this on raft trip, and it was actually ONE of the beers to have when you're having more than one, but not THE ONE. Busch Light, Keystone, Olympia, PBR, and a few others were actually the beers to have when we were having more than one, but hey, it takes balls to say you are the best beer to get shitfaced on. Cheers.

edit: Then I found this slogan for Champale, which makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little. Of course I will try to find this and try it, but still, a little breakfast just came up.

What looks like Champagne, and tastes like champagne, yet isn't champagne? If you answered Champale, you're right. It even pours like Champagne. Pale, bubbly and festive. Elegant and sparkling, this fine malt beverage tempts your tastes with four delicious flavors: Golden, Pink, Dry and Red Berry.


Glam said...

I wish I could find it...earlier today I was reading a description of a beer with this fine selling point:

"Perfect for drinking with friends or by yourself."

n8 b said...

I like pink....