Extra has a much smoother, chocolatier edge to it. Think of it as the Barry White of beers. As an Irish person, I've always been embarrassed that I don't like Guinness. It's sacrilege or something. But on my recent trip to Ireland, I nearly peed myself with joy at the Guinness factory in Dublin when I found a Guinness that I actually like. And you know what? They don't freaking sell it in the US!! WTF?!!! Isn't like this country supposed to be the land of choice. What other country has 40 different types of cereal when they go to the supermarket? So why does Asia and Africa get to enjoy Foreign Extra when we can't?! It's a travesty I say! As such, my beloved Canadian and I brought back a few bottles of the precious stuff, which we are planning to open on an extremely special occasion. Our recent anniversary wasn't even in the running for an occasion special enough.
So here's my question to you all: If you only had one bottle left of your favorite beer and knew that you couldn't get it again until you left the continent, what occasion would be special enough to get you to open it?
My Snuffleupagus
It is my goal to find this beer now. There has to be some way of having some shipped over.
And how in the Hell could you not like Guinness? WTF?
Yeah, I'm totally perplexed as to why no one has been able to get this beer here somehow. I thought maybe Ebay or something, but that just is shady. If you had a friend or relative in Europe you could have them buy it and ship it over but that would be wicked expensive. And, I myself am shocked that I've never liked Guinness, which is why it pisses me off so much more that there's a Guinness I finally like, but I can't have it here.
I lived in Ireland for a year but in Cork, not Dublin, which means I drank Murphy, not Guinness. In a pinch, I'd drink glasses of G but I much preferred pints of the richer, maltier M.
Before living in Ireland, I never drank stout. Of course, upon returning to Seattle, I wanted nothing other. I knew Murphy was not being exported (at the time) and prepared myself for settling with my second choice of Guinness.
Imagine the disaster of my first black pint on US soil. Thin, sour, no weight on my palette. I wanted to cry, my disappointment was so profound. This was not the Guinness I knew back in the mother country. It was, in a word, undrinkable.
I soon learned that "traditional" Guinness (which I presume is Foreign Extra) wasn't selling well on the US market so a different version was developed to better serve the tastes of the average American beer drinker.
It's a tragic tale, I know. Futhermore, Murphy is now available in the States and, you guessed it, it's nowhere near that which is available in Ireland.
Thinking ahead, I will be in Europe in June. Start getting your beer orders together now.
At risk of being the asshole to the new girl, here goes. What the hell is Foreseeable Past? Emily, you must be a shitty fortune teller or something
because you can predict the "foreseeable past." Could you imagine that? You go into her
little fortune teller tent today, give her $10 bucks and she tells you, "The Seahawks will lose in the Super Bowl against the Steelers in 2006." Then she
kicks you in the nuts and runs.
Yes, I am a critical asshole, but I decided to write this because Gus and Nate told me to and I want everyone to know that I like lite beer and am a prick.
I feel much better now.
LOL, Dicko you are such a prick! Forseeable past refers to the fact that my memory sucks but that the taste of that beer is still in it. But yeah, now that you mention it, it's a stupid phrase.
Foreign Extra actually isn't the regular Irish Guinness, though that tastes different than the Guinness we get here too. It's a special type of Guinness that's stronger the the original...and yes, can I place my order with you now?;)
No one has answered the question.
What occasion is special enough to open the bottle of beer you have been saving and may not be able to get again for months, maybe years?
I say it would be two chicks, or possibly two dudes if thats your fancy Smoot.
But seriously, I would think that your birthday, during the 365 challenge, after you have multiple orgasms, would be the ideal time to have the perfect beer.
Excellent Gus. Birthday. Yes! During 365. Yes, yes. But I would make one change. I would say the perfect time to have that special beer is after you GIVE multiple orgasms. THAT, my friend, is a real accomplishment.
Oh, and I'd crack that special beer after I get released from rehab.
Oh man, this is a classic discussion. I'd open it on my birthday, too.
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