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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Cure for the Common Hangover

Last night I went out and subjected myself to unbridled gin consumption. Then I though it would be a good idea to stay up until 4am. I've managed to drag my shaking carcass into work (only 10 minutes late!) but it's going to be a bumpy day. Thank Zod they're serving blueberry pancakes this morning. Once I get this food in me, followed by a coke and a fistful of pharmaceuticals, everything should be okay. For a few hours at least.

So I'm thinkin'...what's your sure fire cure for hangover? I'm not talking about mild case of brown bottle flu, I'm talkin' hungover like a horse. I'm partial to a bowl of chili with raw onions. Don't know why that works for me, but it does. Usually an Emer'gen-C packet, three ibuprofin, and a glass of water does the trick. Especially if I remember to consume them before I go to sleep. Which, let's face it, I never do. Sometimes nothing helps and I'm left to spend the day on the couch, eating Doritos, and watching movies from the home library. Really, how many times can I watch Pitch Black or the Matrix or - if the hangover is particularly bad - the entire LOTR trilogy?

So, what works for you? Oh, and any wise acre who says he or she doesn't get hangovers is dead to me.


AlpineTrout said...

A group email announcing your condition and looking for sympathy is usually a sure fire hangover cure.

n8 b said...

Gatorade and a chat with the coach usually makes me feel a little better...

Gus said...

A nice Coug burger used to cure most hangovers. Now sleep cures my hangovers because I am not in college where I was expected to wake up early Saturday and start all over again and only a burger and a coke would get me back on the liver-killin train that early.

asprin the night of usually helps a lot too, but like you said, I usually forget.

Glam said...

Trout - Ouch, retract your claws. I had way too much fun last night to be looking for any sympathy today. I was really just looking for what helps other people feel better when they've overindulged.

n8 - gatorade sounds like a good idea. Is "chat with the coach" a euphemism?

Gus - One coke down. Burger for lunch in short order.

Trout, Dicko - Beers after work today?

Gus said...

The coach is in fact a clever disguise for Nate's favorite pastime. Ask Dicko tonight, he knows.

And no, its not masterbation. Which is strange because that tops the list for me and Dicko...

Glam said...


Refer to A-Trout's profile image.

AlpineTrout said...

I'm down for beers after work, but someone else needs to be responsible for the toast to Anna Nicole.

Alex said...

I just read a comparison of Smith to Marilyn Monroe. It was sad. Marilyn was stunning.

Glam said...

Anna Nicole is more Mansfield than Monroe. And she ain't no Jayne Mansfield either.

Let's just have a moment of silence while we pour a fotie out on the curb.

It's just you and me Fishy. Dicko's having quality time with the Little Lady.

AlpineTrout said...

A que hora? Esta tarde va lento...