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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Catching up

So I spent this weekend building a fence at my house. Four straight days, Saturday through Tuesday all day long. And it was raining... a lot. And snowing. Days like that call for much beer drinking after dark to ease the intense muscle pain.

I started at dinner on Friday evening with my single probably most favorite beer, the great Newcastle Brown Ale. I purchased a sixer earlier last week in preparation for the weekend.

Saturday was a hard day so I decided to polish off a beer I found at the local European Cellar, called Melbourn Brothers. I purchased two 355 ml bottles at $5.50 each. The first was strawberry and the second was apricot. I drank the strawberry first and was plesantly surprised. It was followed by a Newcastle.

Sunday was equally painful so I drank the apricot Melbourn. Much better than the strawberry. Less sweet, more flavor. It too was followed by a Newcastle.

Monday and Tuesday were more of the same, however, I also dipped into my emergency beer stash, which was Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale my Dad brought up for me from Chico.

In review:

#1 Newcastle Brown Ale
#2 Melbourn Bros. Strawberry
#3 Melbourn Bros. Apricot
#4 Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale

I'm one behind, so I'll do what I can to make up for it this weekend.