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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Glam Introduces Herself

Hi fellas. Since Dicko has shit for manners (and, let's face it, that IS why we like him), I'll introduce myself.

Name: Glam, or you can call me Michelle, or better yet, Mistress. And you - you know who you are - you can call me Mommy.

Personal: West Seattle native. One kid in high school. Work in an office. UO(regon) grad, BS in Fine Arts. (You can stop laughing now.)

Connection to 365Beers: I've been pounding pints with Dicko for the last year. Thanks again for Friday. Sorry I had to cut out early.

Blogger: Yes

Gamer: Yes, although very new.

Beer Drinker: Yes

Other Spirits Enjoyed: Gin-based tortures

Up for the task of 365Beers?: You haven't met me, have you?

Why do I think I can do it?: I love to wrap my hand around a long neck and enjoy some good, frothy head. (Okay, a friend of mine suggested I say that.)

What do I think will be by greatest challenge: Anything cheap and watery.

Contributions to 365Beers blog: I like the idea of coding in a calendar so I'm working on finding one that may work for us. Looking forward to writing more on, or soon after, the 16th.

Contact: glamorgoat at gmail dot com

Photo of me. And beer.

Update: Oh shit, I almost forgot the most important piece of information...

Who would I most like to drink a beer with?: John Belushi


Gus said...


Is that a ruby you are drinking, or some other rasberry wheat type deliciousness?

Glam said...

That, my dear, is a pitcher of Manny's Pale Ale from the Georgetown Brewing Co. It's pretty much the life blood that supports me.

n8 b said...