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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week 1 has been completed!

Thanks to AlpineTrout's generousity, I was able to finish off my first week of 365 today at lunch. He brought in a sixer of Abita Turbodog Beer and shared with Goat and me. Abita is a brewery out of Louisiana and since it is Mardi Gras, what the hell right. Turbodog is a dark brown ale with a little too much chocolate for my tastes, but it went down as smooth as any beer does at lunch time.

So far so good.... 1 week down, yep, just under 2% complete. Abbey, enjoy your neck punch sucka.

1 comment:

Gus said...

lunch time beers. I haven't tried that yet during 365. That sounds like a good plan for next week when the auditors are in town...