Hey all! I know I've been slacking lately, but that doesn't mean I haven't been drinking. A very belated happy birthday to my buddy Nate and my cousin Mallory who turned 18 on the 16th as well (don't get any ideas Nate). You'd think that given the fact that Pennsylvania has been buried under snow for the last week, that I'd have time to enjoy life, some brew and blog, but it sadly isn't so. Anyhow, I won't bore you with the details of me being busy with school, etc, but I will give a mini ode to the 2 beers I've had in the last 2 or 3 days:
Magic Hat No. 9 and a Corona with lime. For those of you who are not familiar with Magic Hat, this glorious brewery hails from South Burlington, VT and has blessed the world with such brews as "Mother Lager", "Circus Boy", "Blind Faith", and my fave the No. 9. Now the number 9 is technically a Pale Ale, though somehow the flavor defies convention and to me resembles some of the Belgian crisp fruit beers. I actually had the pleasure of touring the factory in October (aka skipping the tour and going right to the unlimited free sampling of the beers. Needless to say, the Canadian and I were there for an hour and a half just drink shots of beer. Good times!
As for other beers, I have a number of salacious brews chilling in my crisper for days to come. I plan on chronicling my adventures with Blithering Idiot and Old Heathen, beers so strong they constitute barley wines and coming from the Easton, PA brewery
Weyerbacher. Till then...happy drinking!
P.S. Nate, could you add Weyerbacher's and Magic Hat Brewing Co. to the list of breweries? Thanks!
Thanks for the B-day wishes. So your cousin's 18 huh? hmmmm....
That Magic Hat No. 9 looks delish. We may have to work out some deal where I can ship you some McMenamin's and you can ship me some of your local stuff.
Sweet, that could be cool. We had a speaker come in from Portland a week ago and at dinner I asked her about the microbrews of Portland and about McMenamin's. She didn't understand my fascination with it but I told her a buddy of mine really liked it and I've been trying to track some down on this coast.
Speaking of McMenamin's, I was at the Bagdad Theatre on Thursday where I learned that it is against the law in Oregon to drink straight out of a pitcher. What kind of crap law is that?
I found that out once too. It's only against the law if you get caught I found out too, cause I still do it.
and Em, I'll get those sites on the list.
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