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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

What is the Perfect Food?

...with beer, that is?

Back from lunch. Georgetown Brewery's Chopper something something and a basket of tots, the perfect combination.

Thant's my vote


AlpineTrout said...

That's funny. I had one of the mystery ingredients of Tot Sauce on my burger today. Can you guess what it was?

Dicko said...


Dicko said...

Oh yeah, its pizza, DUH!

AlpineTrout said...

And now I have tots too!

Gus said...

the perfect food with beer?


Glam said...

Damn you Alpine Trout. Damn you and your secret of the tot sauce.

Dicko, pizza burger is pure genius.

A round of Black & Tans on Gus!

Alex said...

It's clearly Beer Nuts.

Gus said...

Cajun Tots at McMenimans.