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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Happy Mardi Gras, bitches! Laissez les bon temps roules!

I couldn't find Abita Amber anywhere local on short notice, so I settled for something that has absolutely nothing to do with Fat Tuesday; Murphy's Draught Style Stout.


Gus said...

Mardi Gras? I haven't heard one fucking word about that. Is that going on already? My sister moves out of New Orleans, and all of a sudden I don't even know when Mardi Gras is anymore

Glam said...

How was it? I spent every night for six months down at the Goal Post in Shannagary (Co Cork), drinking nothing but Murphy. Ahh...those were some good times. Especially stumbling home up the unlit, muddy path. Arm in arm with my boy-o's, singing out loud to keep the spirits away from us.

I've had the Murphy in a can since returning. What did you think? Is your non-description description enough?

Well, must get to mass. My sins won't atone for themselves. So? are any of you giving anything up for Lent?

n8 b said...

Good call, though I think I may hold out on the Murphy's Stout until St. Paddy's week.