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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day Five - Glam

Working late. Mirror Pond Pale Ale from Deschutes Brewery. Egh.

If this beer were a one night stand I might consider fucking it again in the future. You know, just to see if there was any chance that it might actually be good.

But I'm not hopeful.


Gus said...

methinks we have a beer snob on our hands.

mirror pond is good. you must have forgot to wash the glass first.

Glam said...

Glass my ass. Drank it straight from the bottle. The "expiration 11/28/06" bottle. Yeah, I know...that's gross. But I was working late and it was the only beer in the emergency fridge. Whadduhya gonna do?

Dicko and the Trout will tell you, I'm no beer snob. I'm just happiest about something when it's snark-worthy.

Peter said...

I feel your pain. My dirty dick expired August of 2006 and while I drank it all... I think that maybe it would have been even awesomer if it was fresh

n8 b said...

I think you may need to do some serious re-stocking of the emergency beer fridge. 11/28/06? Nobody's drank a beer from the fridge since November? WTF?

n8 b said...
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