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Monday, February 19, 2007

Nate's Beer #3

After a little bit of a rough weekend, I wasn't really feeling like drinking a beer yesterday. Thankfully I had saved a Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde ale and was able to throw that down pretty easily.
In the future I am going to have to make sure I save some other "easy" drinking beers for days I may be hung-over. I'm thinking I'll probably be holding out on McMenamin's Ruby for as long as possible. What other beers would be good to follow a hangover with?


Gus said...

why don't you save a glass of the horse semen ale that Dicko had, you girly man?

hnagovers are for quitters. say?

If you quit drinking, you get hungover. If you keep drinking, you don't get hungover. Sure you might get the "Nicholas Cage-Leaving Las Vegas" shakes, but you won't be hungover.

I get good ideas like this all the time, just let me know if you have any other drinking related problems that need fixing.

Also, did you like the new background on your computer after I left Friday night, courtesy of Big Black

n8 b said...

Oh, that was you huh? I saw you're little BBCA background. I'm just curious how you knew were to find it. Gayness.