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Monday, February 26, 2007

8,9,10,11...oh my

So what to do on a lazy Friday afternoon after getting a gut bomb of dim sum, go with the goat to the bar for a Skull Creek. Yummy. Later that evening I threw down the Horseshoe with the goat at the same bar we went to for lunch. Its nice to have a local place that the bar tenders know your name....or just the next step on my short road to the gutter. Beer 10 was a Blue Moon which went down as smoothly as the Hoegaarden, or like chalk. As for tonight, I "enjoyed" a Night Owl Pumpkin Ale, the last of the 22oz seasonals I purchased. I was surprised how much this beer tasted like pumpkin, if pumpkin tasted like shit. I really had to force those last drops...

1 comment:

Emily:) said...

Yeah, I'd stay away from Pumpkin beers in general. You think they'll taste good because hey, it's pumpkin. But they always taste like ass, much like the Blue Moon Seasonal Pumpkin Ale:(