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Thursday, April 5, 2007

On a quest, part one

So, last Friday, Bo says lets have a few beers, maybe go bowling. Fast foward to a day after my little vacation, and I think I knocked 24 different beers off the list in 6 days since my last post. Yaaaay me. Part one includes a tale of woe beginning with a New Belgium Sunshine, a Fire Drill ESB, a Fire Hydrant Hefeweizen, then continuing with bowling some pretty decent games up over 180 during rockin-bowl and a few large mgds, then a Heineken or two, then continuing for some reason with a few or more Coronas, and ending with a very late night prayer to the porcelin god, or so I am told. Guess it sounded like I was dying, and considering it's been so long since this happened, it will probably be a good reminder of why I am enjoying the beer or two a day routine instead of the beer or 12 a couple times a week routine.

Saturday was low key, and only a New Belgium Blue Paddle and Henry's Private Reserve to keep the gods happy. Then it was onto a bender and some vacation drinking, which included brewery and wine tours to be detailed in all their glory tomorrow.

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