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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Nate's Beer #71

I woke up this morning missing my socks.... That's because Dateless totally rocked them the fuck off last night.
I went up to the metropolis of Chehalis, Washington last night with my friends Reggie & Margaux. Our friends, Chris & Le-Vy of Dateless, were playing a little all ages rock-n-roll gig with a couple of other bands.
We arrived in the big city and found the venue for the evening and even spotted our buddies' van. Only when we went inside to find them (the venue, not the van), they weren't there. So we walked back outside and noticed a little tavern next door. And wouldn't you know it, our friends were inside (crazy huh?). So we made our way into the tavern and had a couple of brews (I chose Dick's Danger Ale) while visiting with our friends.
The show started shortly there after, and Kevin summed it up best by calling it "a fucking high school talent show", I had a good laugh at this since it was true. All the other bands were horrible. Lucky for me there was beer next door and Dateless rawked like they always do! Thanks for the good times guys and thanks for driving Go-go.

1 comment:

Gus said...

That's hot carl.