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Sunday, April 1, 2007

Can We Count Sake?

I'd like to get a consensus. Raise of hands, does sake meet 365 criteria?

I'm going to weigh in with a "yes" vote. Em? Boys? What say you?


Emily:) said...

Glam, unfortunately I'm gonna have to say no:( Sake is rice wine so I don't think it can count. But that's just my opinion. We'll need a consensus on this one. Guys?

Glam said...

Really? Even after reading the wikipedia entry that clarifies the difference between rice wine and sake? Okay then. Let's leave it to the lads.

AlpineTrout said...

Sorry, no go. If we let sake count, next thing we know you'll be trying to count gin. I'm still anti-cider too, by the way.

Dicko said...

sake to me. I am going to have to vote no on this one. Sorry Goat!

n8 b said...

I also am going to have to say no on this one. Although I do love me some sake-bombs. SAKE!!!!

Glam said...

Landrew has spoken. I'll pipe down.