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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More Mexican Beers

Nate is right, I am jealous of his taste of the Mothership Wit, but he is wrong to think its news, since I tried to get him to go to the Spring brew fest where the Wit would be served. Oh well, at least he still found some locally.

As for me, I enjoyed a Negra Modelo, then a Modelo Especial with some Mexican food Monday night. Then to keep the fun rolling, enjoyed a Dos Equis and a Dos Equis Amber from my fridge with some Mario's pepperoni Tuesday night while I downloaded new Halo 2 Maps. Dicko? We on for some 365 drinking over the 360 this week sometime?

I like evey single one of these beers, except for that I am down to Tecate and Carta Blanca and that Tequiza shit when it comes to Cinco de Mayo. Of course I am way ahead of goal right now, so having a Corona or sixteen on the 5th should be okay...


n8 b said...

No, you are the one that is wrong my friend. It is news that it's in a bottle. At spring brewfest it was on tap. So suck a muthafuckin egg!

Gus said...

balls in your mouth. thats what you are getting in reward for your outlandish comments. balls in your mouth.

n8 b said...

Why don't you just admit that you had no idea it was in the bottle?

AlpineTrout said...

Nice work. I've been saving the Mexican beers for when I'm in Cabo next month.

Gus - On another note, I'm one beer away from completing your March Madness mixed six pack. Hopefully they'll all be originals for you.