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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nate's Beer #61

If I had to name my favorite brewery I'd only be able to narrow the list to three. I just recently was re-introduced to the wonderful Rogue brewery and have made Dead Guy a staple of my disc golf weekends. A couple of years ago I discovered McMenamins, and it's been a wonderful relationship since as they brew great beer and I drink it. But before that the first brewery that I really liked and followed was New Belgium.
My buddy Chris introduced me to Fat Tire probably seven years ago. It was love at first sip. After that I tried every New Belgium beer I could find. The 1554 quickly became a favorite along with the Blue Paddle and Abbey. Sunshine is one of the tastiest wheat beers out there (in my opinion) and Trippel has always been good. My favorite though has to be last year's Summer seasonal Skinny Dip. I hope that they release this beer again this Summer. I've also tried the other seasonals 2 Below, Saison and Springboard.
So you can imagine my joy yesterday after I had arrived home and found the new Mothership Wit in my fridge. It's New Belgium's first attempt at an Organic beer and it was way better than any organic I've tried so far. It's a Belgium "Wit" style beer with some coriander and citrus spices that remind me of Blue Moon a little bit. I definitely recommend checking this bad boy out.

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