Wednesday it was time for a drive home, some wine tasting, some outlet mall shopping, and preparing to work the next few days. After hitting the century mark already, it was time to take it easy, and a New Belgium Abbey (belgian beers not floatin my boat right now) to finish off the trip. Thursday it was a big oil can of Foster's Special Bitter after being back to work and breaking the news to the rest of the people at work that don't know I am taking a new job at the end of this month. We will have to go out and celebrate 365 style when Abby and I can get up to Seattle or you fools can make it down here. I need a new job just to be able to afford all this beer...
Anyways, last night I found myself at Shaun and Angela's to try out their new BBQ since it was warm and nice for 2 whole days, and Shaun and I decided the weather called for a Mexican mix and match. We got every type they had in bottle form, and I enjoyed a Corona Light, a Sol, and a Pacifico.
Ending with today. I'm sure this will require an update since it's only noon, but so far the Sleeman's Original Dark Amber is restoring my faith in Ambers one sip at a time while accompaning steak and potatoes as I type. This is from the sixer Alex gave me for March Madness. And it puts me at 113 different beers in 51 days, with half of today still left for drinking. My coach would be proud.
Sweet wonderful Saturday with no work. I love you. And an aquarium pic to leave you with.
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