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Thursday, April 26, 2007

frustration and beer do not mix

I bowled last night. I did good, but there were no new beers, so 32oz of domestic later I went home to try and upgrade my computer. And spent an hour just trying to get the cover off since I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING IN MY HOUSE WHEN I AM LOOKING FOR IT, INCLUDING A FUCKING SCREWDRIVER. Finally found one, realized I needed the little computer screwdriver, never found one of those, looked at the computer again to find it had tiny little rivet like screws, searched for something small enough to loosen those, then gave up in frustration and went and played halo 2 online and killed some fuckers. I had a heineken light, and can't even remember tasting it I was so pissed off.

To cap it all off, I found online today that the cover slides off with the simple lift on a new latch that computers have on the back, and I got the cover off, cleaned the inside, installed memory and a new video card, all during lunch, in less time than it took to search for a screwdriver yesterday. Fuck.

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