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Sunday, April 1, 2007

Barleywine - Glam

I wish I'd read this before cracking the cap of Rudyard's Rare Barleywine I chose for yesterday's beer. Drinking it was like visiting another culture, or time. My pallet couldn't quite adjust to its bitter, dense flavor. It wasn't unpleasant. Just very strange to my taste buds.

Have you ever travelled somewhere and eaten something that you couldn't recognize AT ALL? Something you neither liked nor disliked that acted as a window into the aesthetic preferences of your host? That's what drinking the barleywine was like for me.

Oh, and at 9.2%, I probably should have saved it for later in the day. But I didn't. What are weekends for if not getting good and loaded before performing one's domestic obligations? (Note to self: Operate vacuum only when sober. Sorry kitty.)

1 comment:

Gus said...

cats hate vaccuums.