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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weekly Hop N Grape Trip

The first step is admitting you have a problem. I admit it.

The second step is getting help. But I could carry the box of 22s out to my car on my own, so I didn't need help. So maybe I don't have a problem. I think the Arrogant Bastard, McMenamins Ruby and McMenamins Kris Kringle we had while working on our beer make my point a little foggy.

Before we could transfer the CCWA NWPA, I decided to see if Hop N Grape had any of the Elysian Apocalypse beers or any presidential themed beers. Yes on the Elysian, and yes they have some 21st Amendment beers which I will go back and get, but they didn't have the Yards Brewing ales of the revolution that I found online yesterday, so bummer. Also didn't have any Presidente, although I didn't expect them to have that one. My fridge was already full and I bought eight 22s instead of the one or two that I planned to buy. So maybe a small addiction. Anyone know where I can get some Yards?

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