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Thursday, February 9, 2012

22oz Roundup=Success

Off to Booth's last night who reportedly had a stash of 22s he has been saving. And scored a case of empty 22s, which saves us at least $20 and means we are ready for the upcoming bottling session tonight or tomorrow of the Brown and the Pale.

On top of that Booth and I tried a couple beers from 10 Barrel Brewing, the ISA and the Apocalypse IPA. They were both good, but if you were only buying one I would go for the ISA. It was a little extra better great success.

Here we have the beers put to bed for the night.

And a nice pic of the layers in the CCWA that we are dry hopping. Should be interesting when I breath deep on this and burn my nose hairs off again...

Also just found a pretty funny blog from an Australian brewer called BeerFingers while searching for a picture now located stage left. I would like to have a beer with this guy. F'in Hilarious in a Dennis Miller type way, except with Australian references I don't get instead of references to stuff too boring for me to pay attention to.

1 comment:

n8 b said...

That middle beer is wearing my shirt!