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Friday, May 11, 2007

Nate's Beer #84

So last night I decided to stay in wondeful Longview instead of driving home after work. The gas prices are really started to put a crunch on my beer money and I can't be having that. Mr & Mrs G were kind enough to let me crash at their place.
I decided to head to the mini-mart near their place to buy my beer for the day. The selection there was pretty limited and I had forgotten my checklist to remember what I've had so far. I went with one of the beers I knew I hadn't drank and stayed away from the malt liquor section.
My choice for the evening? Modelo Especial. And I should have splurged and bought a lime (just kidding, they didn't have any limes). I seriously thought about taking this sixer back after my first two beers. I could've sworn that they had gone bad. Beer #3 started getting a little better and then beer #4 was good. I think it must've just been those first two that were bad. Weird.
Have a great weekend everybody! Gus and I are playing some wiff tonight and then I'm going to my cousin's wedding Saturday. Should be some drunken good times.

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