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Friday, May 4, 2007

Beers 171-175

Wednesday I had the Deschutes Buzzsaw Brown
Thursday was the Stone Arrogant Bastard. I felt very arrogant.

Tonight I am going to have a bunch of beers and go to dinner and go to see Spiderman 3 probably. I'm more excited for the beer.
Edit: Last night there were 3 packed theatres of spiderman fans, so we just had dinner instead. So instead of beers, I had lobster, crab, shrimp, steak, and some very good Pinot Noir. Capped by a Dick's Mountain Amber Ale and watching Clerks 2 which I still hadn't watched. That movie was some funny shit. I think I am going to head to Portland early for Wiffle, start on a few Tecates, and watch Clerks 2 again. After having a Dick's Best Bitter of course.

1 comment:

Gus said...

Yup, as expected, I had the Tecate, then margaritas and coronas for dinner, then a bucket of coronas afterwords, with a few shots of tequila and lime with my buddy Nate.

And we won the wiffleball game 6-1 cause we are that good. And Williamson was wasted...