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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A great find

So there I am in California, finding that the few places I've been to so far really don't have many California beers on tap. So I head to the store, where they have a handful of beers I can't get at home, and I buy as many as I think I can drink over the next 3 days before going out to the bars with Apul in Hollywood. Most were good, and the list is too long to describe each one, but a few stand out.

The Moose Lodge in Hollywood had its own beers. The Moose Lodge Amber Ale and Moose Lodge Lager. I am almost positive that they were brewed by Anheueser and were very similar to Michelob and Michelob Amber Bock, but hell, new beers is new beers. On top of that for 5/15 I had Lost Coast Alley Cat Amber, Lost Coast Raspberry Brown, Sam Adams Summer Ale, and a Bitter Than You (Cali only) at BJs.

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