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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

L-Town Brewing's Inaugural Tasting Party

(L-R) Beach Dog Brown, Sacajawea Pale Ale, CCWA NWPA

Saturday afternoon Gus and I had a couple of close friends come over to taste our first three beers.  We also had a nice assortment of sausages and cheeses plus a few bags of potato chips.  But the beers were the star of the show.  Gus's good buddy Shaun came by as did my girlfriend Barbara and our friends Matt, Brittany, Erik and Margaux.  Here's a little recap of what everybody thought of the brews.

Beach Dog Brown - Unfortunately we left our Brown Ale in the fermenters for too long and that cause a majority of our yeast to fall out of suspension.  When we went to bottle there wasn't enough yeast to consume the sugar and we ended up with a somewhat flat, overly sweet brown ale.  Don't get me wrong because I still drank quite a bit of it, but it could've been so much better fully carbonated.  I believe Gus will be attempting this brew again very soon.

Sacajawea Pale Ale - Now this is what I'm talking about!  The Sacajawea turned out just about perfectly.  We took our inspiration from Deschutes Mirror Pond and made it a little funkier as a homage to our local lake.  Margaux and Brittany both said that this was there favorite of the LTB brews.  I'm not sure if I liked it more then the CCWA NWPA or not but it was pretty damn tasty.

CCWA NWPA - Our Northwest Pale Ale was the first beer we kegged and it turned out marvelous!  This beer was definitely the hit of the tasting and I noticed Shaun, Matt & Erik all make multiple trips over to the keg for refills.  For this only being the third beer that we brewed I was extremely impressed with how it turned out.  I've already had a couple requests on brewing another batch of this so we don't run out.  What a damn tasty beer and a great way to honor our local wiffleball league, the CCWA.

We also had a few other beers that people had brought up to sample and a majority of those I had already tasted.  Brittany surprised us with two beers from Trade Route Brewing, their Ginger Ale and a Mango-Weizen.  Some people, myself included, really enjoyed the Ginger Ale but I don't think many of us really cared for the Mango-Weizen.  It was definitely interesting to try.

the morning after the LTB tasting party

1 comment:

Gus said...

my favorite was the sacajawea pale. Excellent and I am happy I have another case of it in my closet.