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Friday, May 18, 2012

the Apocalypso is Coming!

Last night Gus and I kegged the Apocalypso.  I made sure to get a good whiff of it as it was filling the keg and it had a very nice spicy, sweet aroma to it.  I don't think it's going to be exactly what I was hoping for but it's definitely a step in the right direction.  I can't wait until next Thursday when I'll finally get to taste it and see what we have.

Last night we also got the batch of FergieWeizen bottled up.  We ended up with twenty-nine 22 oz bottles of some honey-wheat goodness.  This one will take a little while longer to be ready since it's bottled but I can't wait to crack one open, fill up a pint glass, throw a lemon in and enjoy!

We also transferred our Brown Cream Ale into the secondary fermenter to let it age a little more.  This beer was another experiment since I don't recall ever having a Brown Cream Ale so I'm hoping it turns out alright.  From the looks of it and the way it smelled we should have another tasty beverage here.

After bottling the FergieWeizen we noticed that we had some left in the bottling bucket.  We also had about forty ounces of Apocalypso left that wouldn't fit in the keg.  So we threw them together in the bottling bucket and ended up with a sixer of twelve ounce ApocaWeizens.  Who knows how this beer will turn out since it's a little of this and a little of that. 

Below is a picture of our President of Bottling & Sanitization Gus checking out the work we had ahead of us.

1 comment:

Gus said...

thats a handsome head bottlewasher