Full Sail Sanctuary is good stuff. As was the Pelican Bay Doryman's Dark Ale, and two new kinds of Guinness I hadn't had before, the Foreign Extra and the Black Lager.
I had more new beers last week also, and once I get the list finished maybe I can do some kind of cool update and then post regularly to see where my count stands of beers that I have tried. My guess is I am at about 500-750 somewhere and will set a goal of 1000 to reach someday.
Also, the pale ale is bubbling nicely. Might be ready to transfer later this week in between work, 2 lions meetings, and a birthday party scheduled at Hop N Grape on Thursday. I am pretty excited about the party, and look forward to spending the gift card I got as a Devil Pong (like beer pong) prize at the LCC auction Saturday. I see more 22s in my future, maybe even a growler of Manny's because it is awesome beer that you can't usually get unless you drive to Seattle.
Also stoked about the Superbowl match up, I had NE in the playoff pool and my dad had NYG so we are guaranteed to take home the money, which means more money for beer. After dropping four out of five in the college bowl pool I had a shot at, and watching first and then second slip away, I was itching for some good news on the wagering scene.

Man Institute.com
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