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Friday, January 20, 2012

Addicted to thinking about Beer again

But, William, you could get drunk. - You could get addicted. - Can't Hardly Wait

I am hopelessly addicted to thinking about beer again. Blog, stopping by the store, emailing Nate non-stop. Not sure if that is a bad thing, but I think I would scare these guys...

Also found a sweet blog its-pub-night when wondering about Growler prices. The link talks about growler prices in Portland, but is good for a general idea. It's not cheaper to buy a growler, or for that matter 22s, but you can get beer sometimes not available in bottles.

1 comment:

Bill Night said...

Hey, glad you liked the growler price discussion.

To my mind, the best thing that came out of that was the idea of thinking about beer prices in terms of what a six-pack would cost, and the Six-Pack Equivalent Calculator.