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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh the Humanity

All I had yesterday was a fat tire at my meeting. Don't get me wrong, fat tire is great. They just didn't have anything new and I didn't want to drink a 22 at home powering it down just for the sake of trying something new.

But tonight I have a lions meeting at Parkers who brews their own beer, so I will have two new things tonight and get back on track. They don't list their beers online but I am sure they will have a good brown or stout I can enjoy with a steak.

And Thursday I will be at Hop N Grape, and I will be happy and trying at least a couple new beers.

Also, just saw on Rogue that today is Beer Can Appreciation Day in celebration of the first beer can produced back in 1935. I think I will stop and buy a fancy beer in a can since I probably can't find the 5 Liter container of Rogue they advertise on their site.

And a little off the subject of beer, if you haven't had any of Rogue's spirits, the hazelnut spiced rum is very good and I look forward to trying the dead guy whiskey soon.

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