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Friday, June 22, 2007

2 more days

Thursday it was time for some Softball. My hitting was off when I found there actually can be skill involved in pitching slow pitch. I just couldn't get ahold of it and hit around 300 instead of 800. I suck. I did make up for it though by bringing sixers of talls of Milwaukee's Best Light and Keystone Ice. They were good and are now checked off my list. Not as good as the mini keg of becks from last week's softball game, but that is already off my list so I needed something different, something shitty. Which brings me to a revalation. I haven't checked off Busch light yet. Holy fuck, I'm sure I've had it at wiffleball, but since I had some for sure at softball in between talls, I'm marking it off for yesterday too. I wonder what else I've missed...

As for Friday, some beers, some BBQ, watching the mariners lose by 15 on TV, and coming home to pack for Seattle and having a Tap Room No. 21 Amber Ale. I sure hope Seattle is due for some hits this weekend... On another note, I got mixed and matched tonight, as I grabbed a New Belgium Mothership Wit and a Skinny Dip for my mixed sixer, then decided to put the Skinny Dip back to get a fiddlers green amber. When I got home, I found that I actually still had a skinny dip cause the mothership I had grabbed had actually been a skinny dip in the wrong sixer, probably from someone earlier mixing and matching. Son of a bitch.

But that puts me at 297. I should hit 300 before the game tomorrow since we are taking the train and I don't have to drive. So that should be good.

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