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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Brewfest and Beyond (118-156)

As Gus mentioned in earlier posts, last weekend was the Oregon Brewer's Festival and it was outfuckinstanding! So many good beers, so little time. I remember going for one day last year and just being amazed at all the beers, so this time around I took Friday off and decided to make a weekend out of it. There were many drunken times throughout the weekend and I'm pretty sure I came away from the event with a sprained liver. Listed in no particular order are the beers I enjoyed from Friday to Sunday.

118. 21st Amendment Brewery, Watermelon Wheat (I waited in line for this because of the girls)
119. Amnesia Brewing, Dry Hopped Dusty Trail Pale Ale
120. Anderson Valley Brewing Co, Summer Solstive Cerveza Crema
121. Ballast Point Brewing Co, Yellowtail Pale Ale
122. Calapooia Brewing Co, Yankee Clipper IPA
123. Elysian Brewing Co, Prometheus IPA (great IPA)
124. Great Divide Brewing Co, Titan IPA
125. Green Flash Brewing Co, West Coast IPA
126. Kona Brewing Co, Wailua Wheat (delicious with a hint of passionfruit)
127. Laurelwood Brewing Co, PNW Pils (nice light pils that was super smooth)
128. Lompoc Brewing, Triple Threat IPA
129. Mad River Brewing Co, Steelhead Double IPA (first beer of the event, 8.6 abv, delish)
130. McMenamins Fulton Pub & Brewery, Monkey House IPA (just like anything McMenamin's, it was outstanding!)
131. Boulder Creek Brewing, Mojo IPA
132. Pelican Pub & Brewery, Heiferweizen
133. Ram Restaurant & Brewery, Double Exposure IPA (another good strong double IPA)
134. Boulder Creek Brewing, Hazed & Infused (replacement beer on day 3)
135. Snipes Mountain Brewery, IPA
136. Steelhead Brewing Co, Full Count Pale Ale
137. Stone Brewing Co, Stone 07/07/07 Vertical Epic (wow, strong ale!)
138. Widmer Brothers Brewing Co, Noggin Grog (another potent brew)
139. Victory Brewing Co, Prima Pils
140. Alaskan Brewing Co, Alaskan IPA
141. Diamond Knot Brewing Co, Industrial IPA
142. Dick's Brewing Co, Dick's Lava Rock Porter
143. Klamath Basin Brewing Co, Crater Lake Golden Ale
144. Ninkasi Brewing Co, Believer
145. Standing Stone Brewing Co, Standing Stone Double IPA
146. Spanish Peaks, Black Dog Ale

Friday night after brewfest I had a McMenamin's Ruby and some Heines... Saturday night after brewfest I had dinner at the Greek Cuisinia and enjoyed some tasty gyros and hummus along with....

147. Mythos (basically the Greek version of Heineken... it was alright)

Now I'm going to try and list the beers I've had since then and a couple I missed before...

148. Mateveza Yerba Mate Ale
149. Widmer Brothers Brewing Co, Brewmaster Release '07 Pale Ale
150. Deschutes Brewing Co, 19th Anniversary Golden Ale
151. Lagunitas Brewing Co, Undercover Investigation Shut Down Ale (Sneak Release ale)
152. Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing, Amber Ale
153. Lagunitas Brewing Co, Sirius Hi-Gravity Cream Ale
154. Lagunitas Brewing Co, Lucky 13 Anniversary
155. Bohemia
156. Lagunitas Brewing Co, Maximus IPA

By my count we should be somewhere near 170 so I still need to catch up a little. I've also had a couple of beers the last couple of nights at nearby bars so I'll double check those and list them soon. I should only be about five off so I'll be caught up soon. Just in time for beer #182.5 which will be the halfway point...


Gus said...

That list is NOT black.

That list is black pause NOT.

That list is black...

n8 b said...

Erik, you should post comments after drinking...

AlpineTrout said...

I needs to get me some of that Mateveza. Love the yerba mate...