On the front it says "A Liquid poem to the golory of the hop!"
On the back it says: ru-in-a-tion \ roo' a-na' shen \ n. The act of ruining or the condition of being ruined; a severe state of damage; destruction achieved by wrecking.
Stone Ruination IPA. So called because of the immediate ruinous effect on your palate. The moment after the first swallow, all other food and drink items suddenly become substantially more bland then they were just seconds before. By the time you develop a taste for this beer, you may find that you are premanently ruined from being able to enjoy lesser brews. Good. We freely admit to goind this. On purpose even! People are sometimes crazy enough to thank us for this assault. To which we reply "You're Welcome."
There is a lot more, but I am tired of typing instead of drinking, so I will just add that this beer is fucking good. If you like IPA, buy this beer. Totally worth the hefty $5.50 price tag. Either as good or better than stone's arrogant bastard, and by the sound of things just as arrogant. I want more. Seriously, someone give me some please. Having this makes up for my laziness in not going to get the vertical epic ale the day after my birthday. Cause this is good.
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